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Or you can e-mail, call or message me:
Sam Monteath
+44 (0)7949 970250
Or you can connect with me on Linked In

High Peak, Derbyshire, UK
There are detailed case studies on the What We Do pages.
Or there's some other credentials and examples below, with feedback from customers.

Are our people engaged? And why?
Two organisations. One in financial services had grown, quickly, and wanted to compare engagement between locations and roles. The other was a regulatory body in a period of change, needing to know if staff were all coming with them, or all pulling in the same direction.
Both used a survey, but both also used open questions to build a full picture, and to fully understand the complete sentiment.
There were data and charts. But more importantly, there was a sense of how people really feel, and what’s making them feel like that.
…there are some consistent opinions, sometimes strongly expressed. E.g. Respect
Specifically aimed at the top of the organisation, there’s felt to be too little respect accorded to staff, too much control applied, and too little trust given to people to use their skills and judgement.

“…very impressed with Colleague Survey. Well done”
“Thanks so much for the staff survey report. It makes interesting reading and definitely gives food for thought!”
Are our comms effective? And why?
Two retailers. Very different sizes and number of stores – but the same issues. Does what we need to say get out there? Do staff get what they need? How can we have a better dialogue?
Both used a survey, but at their core, both relied on getting into stores, seeing the reality and asking people what it’s really like. What are the challenges, what are the successes, what’s missing from the current mix?
Time is the big issue
And that is crucial because there is always so much pressure of time. On everyone, but especially stores. There’s never really enough time. So that always needs to be acknowledged and recognised, to help stores do the most that they can…
…So, stores have a very specific request
They’d like a system to show 1) They are first aware of tasks.
2) And then that they have completed the tasks

“If you ever need a testimonial please use my name ...
I honestly think you’re the easiest person to work with.” -
“This is perfect Sam - thanks so much. Really pleased with work so far, much appreciated.”
How can we define the culture we need?
A tech start-up defining how they do things as they become bigger than a roomful. A global bank that knew aspects of their culture were a commercial risk.
Each needed to understand if people understand what a future culture should look like. In the start-up almost all staff were engaged to define the best current and most needed aspects of the future culture. For the bank, a representative group of culture change advocates assessing the impact they could create.
Common Language
This is the real change. Through the advocates’ work to inspire, coach, repeat messages, shed light and simply talk good business sense, there is a convergence in ways of working. …They can ensure that more and more people aggregate to a like-minded position … Advocates beat a clear path for more people to follow, making working and improving together easier.

“I think this report is excellent .. you have really grasped the essence – I am truly impressed"
“We’re very happy with everything you’ve done on this and trying to think what else we can give you!“
What’s our reputation as an employer?
One government department and one global accountant. Both needed to understand how their target audiences perceived them, so focus groups and interviews were used.
For the department, there was a general lack of knowledge, and – for one demographic – an actual hostility to employees.
For the accountant, they were seen as attractive – but not differentiated.
You’re not seen as that different, so the small things count. You need to show or address…
Development – where can I go next? What have others achieved?
Work-life balance – realistically, what will my life look like, and why might I make compromises?
An always-great, personal experience - candidates need to feel wanted, understood and how they fit - from first to last.

“Stuck up, higher class background, better education, liars, not worked a real job.”
"Upper class, privately educated, well-off, within the circle, dishonest, inconsiderate.”
“Happy to report that it’s been very positive and very illuminating”
“I and the team were impressed by how simple a project it was to deliver and how responsive, available and engaged you were”
What’s most important to our audience?
One insurer and one healthcare provider – both employ people with specialist skills.
So, what do they most look for in their next employer?
In both cases, desk research – of academic papers, professional bodies, case studies and opinion articles – gave a basis of what’s most valued to these specific audiences.
The financial services industry is facing change and disruption. Traditional roles, such as underwriters and actuaries, will need to work differently to help create a different kind of customer experience within a different organisational culture.
There is a strong argument to say that how financial services organisations position themselves in the new landscape – for example, as digital innovators, as customer champions, as value-added providers – will play a key role in the type of people they attract to work there.
“Thanks, I really like the strong recommendations”
“Thank you for all the help with the research phase … I am pleased to say that it went really well.”

EVP: How can we show our difference?
One London borough social work department, one housing association. Both need to promote attract new people, but with very different challenges. For the London Borough, it’s about showing that they have a distinct challenges and a different approach to the other 31 London boroughs. For the housing association, it’s about showing that applying commercial skills allows you to experience a true social purpose, and the reward you can take from that.
The exciting challenge of being highly commercial & applying that to a true social purpose
That social purpose being about making very specific contributions to people and communities, that will make them happier and more secure in life
There are good benefits, support and most importantly the culture that will allow you to be able to realise our ambitions – and hence yours.

“The report has been very well received … especially the conclusions”
“We’ve had great feedback from the session and helping show where all that insight was leading.Top job”