In the realm of research, much like romance, the approach we choose can significantly influence the outcome. Too often, I've observed a rush to pop the question, a direct proposal that may or may not yield the desired response. And once the question is posed, there's no turning back. The toothpaste doesn't go back in the tube.
As in romance, we first need to establish connection and trust. We need to allow participants to grasp the essence of our inquiry, to understand where we're headed, and to feel comfortable sharing their inner thoughts. We need to woo them a little.
Effective research often starts well before the focal point. For instance, if tasked with exploring how employees perceive development opportunities at WidgetCo, I would take a long run-up.
I'd begin by asking about their overall feelings working at WidgetCo, probing into the highs and lows of their experiences. By the time the topic of development arises, I've established context to frame more meaningful questions.
This also unveils crucial context. If a recurrent theme is financial constraints, it may explain why individuals aren't actively seeking developmental opportunities – they maybe putting the organisational needs over their own.
By taking this nuanced approach, we uncover insights that might have been missed if we had rushed straight to the main question.
Then, I’d delve into what matters most in their careers – whether it's rapid advancement, expertise building, or simply job security. Only after understanding these priorities do I introduce the topic of development.
Now, the question isn't a generic "How's development here?" but a more personalised "Is WidgetCo providing you with development that aligns with your aspirations?"
Regardless of the clarity of our questions, it's imperative to bring participants along on the journey. Like romance, we require a delicate dance of inquiry. We can't railroad participants; instead, we must engage in the art of research as a nuanced and thoughtful process of allowing others to open their selves to us.